Practicum Experience
Keely is to be commended on her ability to work independently to produce an excellent standard of work. She is reliable, mature, and professional in her approach to her work and in communication within a workplace environment
Active & Healthy Recovery Project - Ethics Application
My third placement involved working with the Gold Coast Public Health Unit (GCPHU) to complete an ethics application for a pilot project being implemented to address physical inactivity amongst individuals recovering from a mental illness. I was extremely excited to become a part of this project, and felt that this placement would be very beneficial in building my knowledge and understanding of mental health within the context of public health. I also felt that this placemet would give me the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the process involved in developing, implementing and evaluating a public health initiative.
Overview of Organisation
The Gold Coast Public Health Unit delivers a range of environmental health and public health services to promote health and wellbeing, and prevent ill health within the Gold Coast community. Examples of departments within the GCPHU include Communicable Disease Control, Epidemiology, Public Health Incident and Tobacco Regulation. My contacts at the GCPHU were Helen Clifford and Deena Seesaengnom, project officers for the Active & Healthy Recovery Project. This particular project was developed collaboratively by the Gold Coast Active & Healthy Alliance, the Gold Coast Public Health Unit, and Partners in Recovery.
Learning Goals
Goal 1: To develop knowledge and skills specifically related to the process of developing, implementing and evaluating a health promotion initiative
Objective 1a: To develop a greater understanding of the organisational structures, communication channels, roles and responsibilities of the Active & Healthy Recovery project team.
Objective 1b: To develop knowledge and skills specific to my role in applying for ethical approval, and the process required to complete this task
Objective 1c: To demonstrate my ability to apply the skills and knowledge acquired to successfully complete the ethics application
Goal 2: To improve my ability to work as part of a professional team to successfully complete the tasks required for the Active & Healthy Recovery Project.
Objective 2a: To understand my role and responsibilities as part of the Active & Healthy Recovery project team
Objective 2b: To demonstrate my ability to build successful relationships and work collaboratively with others by negotiating and communicating effectively with members of the project team
Goal 3: To become more independent and self-sufficient, applying problem-solving skills to effectively negotiate the completion of an Ethics Application for the Active & Healthy Recovery health promotion project
Objective 3a: To achieve a better understanding of what is expected of myself as an emerging public health professional as part of this health promotion team
Objective 3b: To develop my skills in problem-solving and being able to work autonomously to complete the application for ethical approval
Objective 3c: To demonstrate the ability to manage my time effectively throughout the duration of my placement
Leadership Qualities/Program Planning/Communication/Community Engagment

Activities Completed
Research team meetings
Survey tool - created a survey tool to measure the impact of mental health first aid training on physical activity providers’ confidence in working with people with a mental illness
Ethics Application:
Project description
Project team details
Data collection
Informed consent
Communication of results
Indentification of ethical issues
>>> Reflections
Below I have reflected upon the learning goals I developed prior to completing my placement with the Gold Coast Public Health Unit. I have framed these in the 'STARL' format: situation, tasks, actions, result and learnings.
Goal 1: To develop knowledge and skills specifically related to the process of developing, implementing and evaluating a health promotion initiative
As part of my practicum experience I was involved in meeting with Deena Seesaengnom and Helen Clifford, the project officers for the Active & Healthy Recovery Project. Jessica Lee, Gina Thompson (student) and myself met with Deena and Helen at the GCPHU office in Southport to discuss the project in detail, and define each of our roles within the research team. Attending the meeting gave me the opportunity to ask questions regarding the project, and be involved in conversation concerning the development, implementation and evaluation of the project. Having been given the opportunity to be a part of this discussion gave me great insight into the processes involved in piloting a public health initiative, and the steps required to successfully implement a program such as this. I learnt of the complexity of the logistics involved in developing the Active & Healthy Recovery project, and gained a greater understanding of the challenges that may arise when piloting a public health program. This experience will directly benefit my work in public health, as it has given me hands-on experience in program planning, implementation and evaluation.
Goal 2: To improve my ability to work as part of a professional team to successfully complete the tasks required for the Active & Healthy Recovery Project.
Discussion with my supervisor Jessica, and the team at the GCPHU lead to the decision that I would complete an ethics application for the Active & Healthy Recovery Project. Fortunately, I was able to complete this whilst at home or university, allowing for flexibility in the hours that I could dedicate to the application. However, working remotely proved to be challenging at times, with difficulties arising as Jessica and I were frequently having to confirm details of the project with Deena at the GCPHU. Despite the inconvenience of having to rely upon email as my primary means of communication, I felt that this process has given me valuable experience in working as part of a professional team, and how best to negotiate issues such as communication barriers, to ensure that I contribute positively in a professional team environment. A high level of communication skills is a well sought-after attribute when applying for jobs in public health. I believe as a public health professional I must possess these skills across all modes of communication – face-to-face, via telephone, and in the written form. I feel that this placement in particular has helped to develop my written and oral communication skills within the professional setting.
Goal 3: To become more independent and self-sufficient, applying problem-solving skills to effectively negotiate the completion of an Ethics Application for the Active & Healthy Recovery health promotion project
As the Active & Healthy Recovery project progressed, the pressure to complete the ethics application increased, as ethics approval was needed prior to the commencement of any research work. To complete the ethics application for the project, I had to negotiate the Griffith online application tool, construct responses to each of the components of the application, and develop a survey tool and participant consent forms to be included in the application. Each of these components challenged me, and ensured that I was utilising skills in problem-solving and decision-making, and learning how to independently negotiate new and difficult tasks. I feel that I was able to accurately assess when it was best to work through a task independently, and when I should seek guidance from my supervisor. I feel that these aforementioned skills will be beneficial for when I enter the workforce and am faced with tasks that are new or particularly challenging. I also believe that being able to acknowledge when guidance is needed is extremely important, and a particularly valuable skill as I transition from university into my role as a public health professional.
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