The table below is a representation of my personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to personal development. 'Opportunities' identifies the skills and competencies I would like to develop throughout my public health placement, while 'threats' concerns the possible internal and external barriers to achieving these skills and competencies.
SWOT Analysis Reflection
SWOT Analysis
Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats/Learning Goals

SWOT Analysis Reflection
Throughout my years of studying Public Health I have not only acquired a comprehensive and meaningful understanding of public health, health promotion and nutrition, but I have grown greatly as a person. I have acquired skills and knowledge throughout my degree such as team work, critical thinking, ethical awareness, effective communication, and cultural understanding that will enable me to work successfully and make a significant contribution to the field of public health.
There are many skills that I developed throughout my degree that are transferable to the professional setting. As part of my undergraduate studies I was required to partake in a number of oral presentations to demonstrate to fellow students, and academic staff my knowledge and understanding of public health-related issues. This has allowed me to build my capacity to communicate effectively with others, and build self-confidence in being able to present to a large number of people.
Teamwork was also a large component of many of the courses I have undertaken. These group work experiences have taught me many valuable skills in problem-solving, decision-making, and how to collaborate and work effectively with others. One skill in particular that I believe I have improved over the past two years is my ability to be assertive, yet considerate and encouraging within a group setting. Although I am still developing my teamwork skills, I believe that I will be able to contribute meaningfully to group projects and collaborative decision-making in future public health roles.
One of the greatest discoveries I have made as a result of studying public health, is my interest in research and the future possibilities that this could lead to. I am now able to conduct research from the initial stages of collecting data, right through to analysing and critically evaluating the results. I would very much like to become more proficient in research and further develop my knowledge and skills in the practical setting to enable me to contribute to evidence-based programs and interventions in public health.
Throughout my practicum experience I improved my critical thinking skills, and started to gain a better understanding of different perspectives of public health, and mental health in particular. To achieve this I sought the ideas and opinions of the experienced people I was working with, and continued to research and critically evaluate evidence and arguments presented in studies.
I am also hoping to further improve my skills in networking to establish professional relationships and contacts within public health. Networking is not only an essential life tool, but integral to increasing professional opportunities in the future. I am hopeful that as part of my practicum experience I will be able to interact with people not only from within the organisation I will be working with, but also other professionals associated with public health.